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About Us

We are three animal lovers proudly serving the towns of Athol, Orange, and Royalston. Our shelter helps out dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, livestock, and anything else that needs our help! Our goal is to run our shelter as no-kill as possible. We maintain this by emphasizing adoptions and transferring to other no-kill shelters/rescues in the state. 

2023 Animal Numbers

Animal Intake


Loose adults- 77

Loose Puppies- 6

Seized adults- 2

Surrender adults- 5

Surrender puppy (under 5 months) 4

Stray adults- 3

Transfer in puppies- 7

Other adult intakes- 25

Other Puppy Intakes- 4

Total- 112 adult dogs, 21 puppies


Stray/Presumed stray adults- 19

Stray kittens (under 5 months)- 7

Surrendered adults- 27

Surrendered kittens- 37

Transfer in adults- 1

Other adult intakes- 3

Other kitten intake- 1

Total- 50 adults, 45 kittens

Other Animal Intakes-

6 loose farm animals

1 stray domestic pigeon

2 Other intake birds

Total Animal Intakes- 237

Note: Other intake methods include owner hospitalizations, arrests, emergency housing situations, and dog bite quarantines.

Animal Outcomes

Dog Outcomes-

Return to owner adults- 105

Return to owner puppies- 16

Adopted dogs- 3

Adopted puppies- 2

Transferred adults- 8

Transferred puppies- 1

Euthanized dogs- 3

total- 119 adult dogs, 19 pups

Cat Outcomes-

Returned to owner adults- 6

Adopted adults- 20

Transferred Adults- 23

Transferred kittens- 40

Euthanized cats- 3

Euthanized kitten- 1

Died in care adult- 1

Died in care kittens- 2
Total- 53 adults, 43 kittens

Other Outcomes-

Returned to owner farm- 2

Adopted farm- 2

Returned to owner birds- 2

Other Adoption (pigeon)- 1

Live Outcome Rate

Our live outcome rate is determined by the number of animal outcomes divided by the number of live outcomes.

233 (live outcomes) divided by 243 (total intakes)= 95.8% live outcome rate

We only euthanize if an animal is extremely sick/injured and cannot recover or in the case of dogs, if they are aggressive and not safe to place. This year we had a lot of very sick kittens which is why two passed away while enroute to getting care or after getting care, and one had to be euthanized.

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